Think you can predict what cars will be like in 30 years? Korean designer JB Choi definitely does, he predicts we’ll be cruising the streets head-first in electric 4-wheelers – and has even created one to flex!

Known as the Nissan GTR-X 2050, JB’s concept is a mind-controlled, rolling exoskeleton that can only be driven flat-out – literally!

To enter, you pop the top and slide in, lying flat on your stomach! This unusual position actually makes it feel more like an extension of your body, instead of a detached driving experience.

It also makes for good low-drag aerodynamics, much like the autonomous Roborace cars. The only negative, there’s no windscreen – but at least you can avoid the guys at the traffic lights with buckets and squeegees!

Being without a regular windscreen, the driver, whose head rests over the front axle, uses a virtual reality helmet that uses the car’s camera system to project the view and roads ahead!

If you’re looking for a traditional steering wheel or pedals though, good luck. The GTR-X is operated using Nissan’s Brain-to-Vehicle tech implemented in the helmet and a special suit, which interprets signals from the human brain to the vehicle’s computer.  Once connected, driving it is simply a matter of thinking it forwards, backwards, left or right!

There’s no word on power output – think maybe Iron Man ‘arc-reactor’ type specs – but there’s plenty of active aero to add extra downforce when needed which also folds away to help the driver climb in or out.

Despite its futuristic flash, this Nissan hasn’t abandoned its GT-R heritage. It still sports the quad tail-lights, and the slab-sided approach is reminiscent of the R35.

While battles still rage in Japan on whether the next-gen R36 Nissan GT-R will be hybrid or all-electric, JB Choi has jumped the gun on everyone – creating a slip and slide GT-R for the year 2050!

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