Squeak, Squeak… ROAR!

Squeakee S3 Dino might look like a balloon animal. But he’s actually a rad robotic dinosaur.


Squeakee is full of attitude! With more than 70 reactions and sounds, this robotic dino is super interactive. Play tug-of-war with Squeakee’s chew toy, or pull his tail and Squeakee will let off a fart!


Squeakee also comes with his own headphones. Pop them on and Squeakee will bust out some dance moves. He also loves a tickle and a pat on the nose. Squeakee will nuzzle and giggle when you give him some cuddle time.


But you better keep playtime nice. If you roar at Squeakee, he’ll run away or roar back at you! Squeakee runs on four AA batteries, so make sure you have a couple of packets in the cupboard.

SCORE IT: $124.99 from leading toy retailers

RATING: 10/10

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