MX vs ATV Legends

PlayStation, Xbox, PC

The MX vs ATV series has become an icon of the racing genre with well over a decade of great titles in the bag. The latest release is the first to hit next-gen consoles, and as you might expect, it goes bigger and better than anything we’ve seen before. Those of you who love a deep career experience will be particularly excited. It now features branching paths, as well as invitational events and sponsorship management. It all unfolds in a large open-world, based on the Californian coastline. This vast expanse allows for the new Trials Mode, where you and your opponents are dumped in the mountains and have to find the quickest way to the finishing line using whatever route you can. The handling has been improved with a redone physics engine and the usual customisation features for riders and vehicles – including real parts – is in place. We also love that it has 2-player splitscreen, to go with the 16-player online multiplayer. With big airs, tricks and pretty visuals, race fans will love it.

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Tech Head – May 2022

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